Prayerfully read John 15:1-17

In the 1920’s Christian missionaries in North China were grieved over the spiritual condition of the churches. Members showed little or no spiritual sensitivity or concern. The missionaries began to wonder if many people had accepted Christianity mentally but had never been born again.

In 1920, missionaries and Chinese leaders began to devote one day a month to pray for revival. In March, 1927, the southern revolutionary army burned Nanking, and all missionaries were ordered to Tsingtau and Chefoo for possible evacuation. Those evacuated to Chefoo began to study the Scriptures and ask the Lord why they had been removed from their work. God began to speak through His Word.

A group of missionaries asked Marie Monsen, and evangelical Lutheran from Norway, to join their prayer meetings. God began to use her to challenge missionaries and others to get right with God. The missionaries spent days before the Lord. They confessed every known sin. They sought to be reconciled with one another.

During a special prayer time God worked to heal the eyesight of Ola Culpepper. In the middle of their rejoicing, God convicted the missionaries that they were far more concerned about physical healing than they were about the salvation of the Chinese. They once again began to confess sins to the Lord. God was getting a people right with Himself.
Marie was again used of the Lord as she asked the missionaries and others, three penetrating questions.

1. Have you been born of the Spirit?
2. What evidence do you have of the new birth?
3. Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?

The hunger for spiritual vitality caused people to do much soul-searching. Christians and especially the leaders were revived and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Once Christians were revived, God had clean vessels through which to work. By 1932, revival was spreading.

Many came to realize they were only “head” Christians, but they had never placed their trust in Christ. An evangelist for 25 years, Mr. Chow realized he was trusting in his good works and not in Christ for salvation. After he was saved, he refused to be paid for his preaching because he had preached for 25 years without the presence and power of the Lord. Lucy Wright, a missionary nurse for nine years, realized she had only joined the church. She trusted Christ for the first time. In 1932 masses of people were coming to Christ. In one school all 600 girls and 900 out of 1,000 boys trusted Christ during 10 days of meetings.


  • Saved people went everywhere telling everyone what Jesus had done for them.
    Those who turned to Christ took down their “house gods” and burned them.
  • The hearts of God’s people were full of praise and thanksgiving. Joyful singing filled
    the services. New songs were written and the Scripture was put to music.
  • All believers had a great hunger for God’s Word, Bible classes met nightly, and the
    Bible schools and seminaries saw significantly increased enrollments.
  • Spiritually dead churches were revived. Church attendance multiplied, and the
    members paid close attention to worship, prayer, and discipleship. Prayer meetings
    lasted two or three hours as people got right with God and prayed for the lost.
  • Broken families and relationships were healed.

This account has been adapted from Go Home and Tell by Bertha Smith, Nashville: Broadman Press, 1965, pp 12-39, and The Shatung Revival by C.L. Culpepper, Atlanta, North American Mission Board, 1982.


• Pray for a fresh out-pouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives
• Pray for the salvation, filling of the Holy in each member of our families and friends
• Pray for a godly fear of the Lord for our Congress, Senate, and Cabinet members
• Pray for our President, President Obama, and his family to deeply experience God’s love and anointing of wisdom

By Pastor Dotty Schmitt


Prayerfully read Isaiah 62

“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you.” Isaiah 64:1

Many across America are crying out for a mighty revival to come to the United States. This is what an awakening looked like a century and a half ago in New York City—

The Fulton Street prayer meeting (1857-1860), convened by a simple New York merchant, Jeremiah Lanphier, actually helped spark revival around the globe. By February 1858, many churches and public buildings in downtown New York City were filled with tens of thousands of people praying. Newspapers began covering “The Progress of the Revival” on a daily basis, and at the peak of the revival, conversions numbered 50,000 a week. Out of a total population of 30,000,000 people, 1,000,000 were converted to Christ across the nation. One account declared that between 1857 and 1859 2,000,000 converts were added to the Church. The following account of the revival was given:

“Such a time as the present was never known since the days of the Apostles…. Revivals now cover our land, sweeping all before them, exciting the earnest cry from thousands, ‘what shall we do to be saved?’ Ministers…baptized with the Holy Ghost…preach with new power…The large cities and towns…from Maine to California are sharing in this glorious work. It really seemed as if the Millennium was upon us in its glory.”

By March of 1858, 6,000 were also gathering daily for prayer in Philadelphia, and thousands were attending five different prayer meetings in Washington, D.C. A contemporary newspaper article stated: “There are several New England towns in which not a single adult person can be found unconverted.”

O Blessed Holy Spirit, do again what you did in Washington, D.C. and in other cities in 1858! Set your people to praying as never before that we might see again the holy fire fall! In Jesus’ dear Name. Amen!

• Today in your own secret place of prayer as fasting, ask Him to lay His prayers and petitions upon your heart.

By Pastor Charles Schmitt

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

PrayerBeginning January 1, 2015 Immanuel’s Church, Silver Spring, MD joins with millions across the nation and the globe seeking the face of God for a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit.

Located at the top of this blog at the 2015 Season of Fasting and Prayer Guide is a 21 day guide to help you focus in agreement with all of your brothers and sisters.

This prayer guide is available by returning to Immanuel’s Church Prayer Page.  We trust you will have many encounters with Jesus Christ over the next several weeks.  Please feel free to comment on the Prayer Page.


Rockville Pregnacy Center -Call to Prayer



This Thursday begins our monthly prayer meetings that will be held on the last Thursday of each month.

Location:              RPC, back room/kitchen

Time:               6pm – 8pm

Topic:                    RPC & pro-life issues

RSVP:                    not needed, just come!

Some of the items we will be praying for:

  • Spiritual warfare!
  • Our clients
  • Our programs
  • Finances
  • Lease is up soon, what should we do?
  • Other pro-life ministries are having financial trouble

There is strength in numbers, please join us! Jesus will be here too. Bring your knee pads.

Hope to see you!

Mary Hager,

Executive Director

12730 Twinbrook Pkwy, #200

Rockville, MD  20852

(301) 770-4444

“When it comes to human suffering, we must never stay silent. Silence only encourages the perpetrator, it doesn’t save or heal the victim.”. Anonymous

“Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18

Israel Ministry: February 11 – March 4


Dear Intercessors,

As we prepare for our time of ministry in Israel, I found my heart resonating with Paul’s words, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power”.  (1 Cor. 2: 4, 5).  There is such a sense of urgency that these words of Paul be true for the whole ministry team. We desperately need the POWER and PRESENCE  of the Lord to flow into us and into our Israeli and Arab sisters.  Thank you for agreeing with us in prayer that the Holy Spirit:

  1. Will come to us in His power to heal, deliver, restore and redeem.
  1. He will bring healing and transformation through His Word (Lord let revelation and understanding come as we study your Word).
  1. He will give us a baptism of joy and laughter. (There is so much tension, fear and oppression in the land).
  1. He will give life-giving relationships to both the Arab and Israeli sisters (pray for unity and trust to be established).
  1. He will give us divine appointments and strategic connections with His people in the land.
  1. He will give to all of us divine health, protection and safety (Psalm 91).
  1. He will give travelling grace to all of us on planes, cars and buses.

Thank you, thank you for being our prayer covering.  Recently as I was watching some footage on World War II, I realized that as the Body of Christ, those who pray are like the air coverage in a battle.  The air coverage was strategic to the effectiveness of the troops on the ground.  As our team goes to Israel, we are the troops on the ground, but those of you who pray and intercede give us the strategic cover in the spiritual realm.  I know that as you wait upon the Lord, He will give you other issues to pray about.

Please especially cover us on:

2/13            –           Ministry in Jerusalem

2/14            –           Ministry in Ashdod

2/15            –           Ministry in Tel Aviv (Ron and Elana Cantor)

2/16-27       –           Pray for whole groups coming in

*2/20            –           Strategic Women’s Leadership Roundtable (Pray for Chaiya and Ronia; sisters coming from all over Israel)

2/22            –           Charles ministering in Tel Aviv (Avi and Chavya Mizrachi)

*2/26            –           Men’s strategic Roundtable

27,28          –           Women’s Conference in Tel Aviv

3/1              –           Dotty ministering in Tel Aviv

(Team:   Dotty, Kathleen, Margaret, Ros, Gloria, Teresa, Rosemary, Betsy and Sue).

“… As you help us by your prayers, then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious FAVOR granted us in answer to the prayers of many” 2 Cor. 1:11.

Thank you, and may His blessings abound in your lives. (Gen 12:1).

Joy and love,

Pastor Dotty Schmitt

More Than Enough – Day 21

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Today’s life-changing meditation comes to us from Proverbs 3: 1-10.  Proverbs is one of my favorite books; reading and studying it unlocks for us some profound kingdom principles.  Today, we learn about prolonged life and prosperity, about divine guidance and the importance of trust.  These few verses also instruct us on humility and health issues.  In verse 9, we are presented with a wonderful admonition to honor the Lord with our wealth and our possessions.  As we so honor Him, He promises us that our “barns will be filled to overflowing, and our vats will brim over with new wine.”  In other words, as we honor Him with our “time, talents and treasure”, He will pour back into our lives the amazing riches of His grace and of His provision!  Celebrate today with your family and friends that our God is always “more than enough”.  Prayerfully prepare along with your family what it is the Lord would have each of you give and commit to tomorrow, on our church’s commitment Sunday for “More than Enough”.

More Than Enough – Day Four

Wednesday – April 10, 2013

This day we arise in faith and prophetically proclaim that His relentless love and amazing grace is “more than enough” to win to Himself every member of our family. Since we are “covenant believers”, we declare the unfailing covenant promise of the Lord over every member of our household. “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the LORD. (Isaiah 59:21). Declare His promises over your children and grandchildren! Thank you Lord that “as for me and my household” we will love and serve the Lord. (Joshua 24: 15-15) Pray for the youth of our church. (Acts 2:17)

More Than Enough – Day Three

Tuesday – April 9, 2013

Today we celebrate the amazing truth of God’s promises. His Word is “more than enough” to give us guidance and direction in everyday life. Read prayerfully Psalm 1. Yield yourself to Him in a fresh way today, and thank Him for filling you with a hunger and thirst for His Word and His Presence. Invite Him to show you how His promises are always “more than enough” for every need of your life! Pray for His promised revival Presence. Acts 2: 17-21 Ask Him specifically to fill the young people in your family and in our church family with His Holy Spirit. “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

More Than Enough – Day Two

Monday­­ – April 8, 2013

Prayerfully read Romans 8: 28-39.  God’s strategy of always pouring out His unconditional and unfailing love into our lives assures us that no matter what happens, He is determined to make us “more than conquerors”.  Take time to declare this Scripture over every situation and relationship in your life.  Thank You, Lord that I am more than a conqueror in my family, work, school and church life!  Pray for the fullness of His Spirit to fill you and your family.  If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:13)